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Week 14-15 - Postcards

Initial ideas:

- Photos I've taken of landscapes

- Drawings of my plants

- Art works I've done 

- Photos of myself and others (such as my friends) 

- Draw/paint things that interest me (such as guitars, clothes/shoes, ornaments)

- Make a collage/photomontage 

- Flower pressings in pretty patterns


What goes on a postcard?

- Illustration/photo/art of some sort on the front 

- Writing/message, address, stamp 

(Usually 6x4 or 5x7 inches in size)


The Postcards


Instagram - Digital postcard gallery/show


I enjoyed the postcard project because I enjoyed being able to make something physical, that was also personal to me in some way. I also loved the process of making the postcards, as I enjoy being able to make things from scratch. Curating and making the Instagram gallery/show with my group was great fun as I really enjoyed bouncing ideas back and forth with my team mates. The only part I didn't enjoy too much was the uploading part as it took 40 mins to do, and was just a bit of a faff. 

Overall I have really liked doing this project as it appealed to all of the things that I like doing, and I was able to express my creative flare doing something I enjoy. If I was to take this project further I would definitely make more postcards and keep presenting them in the same way as the Instagram gallery/show. If I was to do this as a physical show, I think I would display the postcards by suspending them from strings that are attached to the ceiling of a yellow room. That way it is in keeping with the yellow theme, and the viewers are able to see both sides of the postcards. 

Click here for Instagram gallery/show @cows.pee.yellow

Week 1 - 3 - "The everyday"

brief mindmap.jpg

Fine art specialism brief: 

- "The everyday"

- "Perhaps more than anything else, it is the concept of ‘the everyday’ that has influenced the visual art and culture of the 20th and beginning of the 21st century" 

- Research artists that use "the everyday" in their work 

- Find/capture objects that you find interesting and figure out ways they can be captured/combined/documented 

click here for artist research images (taken from lecture)

Ideas based on my artist research

friedman mindmap.jpg
illustration mindmap.jpg

The items that I found

my items mindmap.jpg
dice bag.jpg
washi tape.jpg
hair pins.jpg
pen lids.jpg


- Washi tape 

- Newspaper

- Hair pins

- Batteries

- Napkins

- Dice

- Plants

- Pen lids

- Photo frames 

- Candles


I chose these items because I either use them daily, or they mean something to me. I also wanted items that were similar to those used by the artists that I had looked into. 

My creations

dice stack.jpg
dnd dice stack.jpg


I decided to stack the dice in ways similar to Martin Creed's stacked boxes piece because I liked the way it shows the dice out of their usual everyday setting. I also showed the dice just grouped together as they would normally be in their everyday life. 

candle stack.jpg
candle tower.jpg


I stacked the candles in 2 different ways to display them. the first is more inspired by Tom Friedman's stolen balls piece, and the second is once again inspired by Creed. I decided to burn one of the candles to show it doing its everyday function. 

Washi tape 

For the first one I decided to use balance to stack the tape rolls, inspired by Fischli and Weiss' use of balance in their work. For the second one I organised the tape rolls in a way inspired by Lisa Milroy's lightbulbs piece. 

For the tape collage I wanted to display the tape in its everyday setting, as a decorative tape. 

tape collage.jpg
tape stack.jpg
tape organised.jpg

Plants and battery

For the battery I wanted it to be a rough drawing so that it had a messy vibe, inspired by the the rough vibes of the dice piece by Paul Housley. For the plants I wanted to capture them doing their thing but using a medium other than photography, as I'd used it a lot by this point, so I decided to draw them in biro. 

battery drawing.jpg
plant drawing.jpg


- I enjoyed creating the pieces. 

- Artist research and learning about "The everyday" was very fun, and informative. 

- I need to be a bit more creative in the way I make pieces, use different mediums, use different processes, experiment more, bring performance in further. 

- Next time I would use more of the items that I found to create pieces. 

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